Rincon University Marching Band Association (RUMBA)

RUMBA is the parent organization that supports the Rincon University High School Band program. Monthly meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the band room. RUMBA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that offers ways for families and students to fundraise for band expenses; arranges for supplies, equipment, food, and support for the band; provides chaperones and volunteers for games, trips, and competitions; and supports the program in many other ways.

RUMBA Board of Directors

President Wendy Swartz President@RangerBand.org

Vice President (2)

Vice President – LogisticsDov CitronVPLogistics@RangerBand.org

Vice President – FundraisingKrista Lange ProvenzanoVPfundraising@RangerBand.org

TreasurerJulie Valdillez Treasurer@RangerBand.org

Secretary Stacy Bennon Secretary@RangeBand.org

Members at Large

Laneye Anzak, Griselda Burruel, Barbara Castro, Kendra Citron, Robin Fox, Samantha Oliver, Jose Osuna, Lisa Rezende, Rachel Shupe, Marcela Soto

RUMBA Coordinators

First Aid- Lisa Rezende

Chaperone- Amanda Jamie

Hair Braiding- Marcela Soto

Meals– Samantha Oliver

Memory Book – Kendra Citron

Middle School Night – Rachel Shupe

Restaurant Percentage Night– Robin Fox

Spirit Sales -Laneye Anzak & Micki Taylor

Uniforms – Barbara Castro

U of A Concessions -Griselda Burruel

Volunteer – Rachel Shupe

Water– Jose Osuna

Middle School Night Coordinator

Rachel Shupe

RUMBA Mailing Address

Donations by check can be mailed to:

PO Box 57151
Tucson AZ 85732


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