Quinn-Approved Private Lesson Teachers

InstrumentNameContact InfoEndorsement
ClarinetPhillip Switzerphillip.switzer@tusd1.orgGreat TUSD teacher
SaxesGeorge Rosasgarosas326@gmail.com
RUHS staff, fantastic
musician & doctoral candidate
TrumpetMorgana Ortizmmortiz679@gmail.com
The regional trumpet judge
this year
Tuba/EuphDr. Daniel Browndanielbrowntuba@gmail.comTUSD teacher and
tuba extraordinaire
PercussionZach Whitezacharywhiteperc@gmail.comRUHS staff, concert, jazz, marching
DrumsetPete Swanpete@peteswan.com
Great jazz drummer
PercussionBrandon Olanderbrandonkolander@gmail.com
RUHS staff, general/drumset/
battery percussion
InstrumentNameContact Endorsement

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